Vietnam is a very young nation with those aged 21 to 34 making up around 24% of the population. People of this age group are at their healthiest and are able to gain knowledge and skills more effectively and work more efficiently and with fewer days off. Vietnam produces 400,000 graduates with BA degrees and higher each year. With a fit, young and well-educated population, Vietnam has become the technological portal of South-East Asia.

In Vietnam, there are 290 universities offering training in information technology and engineering. Together with tax incentives and a business-friendly environment, all these circumstances help explain why Vietnam isn’t just about manufacturing global products. The economy is looking increasingly diversified and sophisticated, embracing new technology and innovation.

The Vietnamese government investment in education is approximately 6.3% of GDP, much greater than the average for most low to middle-income nations, as well as some higher income countries such as Australia. This spending is focused on high enrolment and achievement and it’s paying off, too. In global rankings, The OCED ranks countries by student test scores every year. In 2015 Vietnam scored 17th in math, 8th in science, 19th in reading which is higher than the United States which was ranked 36th at math, 28th at science, 23rd at reading. Overall Vietnam made 12th place while the US ranked 28th.

In general, Vietnamese students were more focused and took their schoolwork more seriously. They were less likely to be late for school, had fewer unexcused absences, and skipped fewer classes. They spend about three more hours per week studying outside of school than students in other developing countries. They’re less anxious about math and more confident about how they’re going to use it in the future.

There are more differences. Parents in Vietnam were more likely to be involved in their children’s academic lives, and help out or fundraise at the school. Structurally, the education system is more centralised. Teachers are less autonomous — their performance is monitored more, and there’s a higher emphasis on student achievement than in other developing nations.

Vietnamese students show an amazing aptitude for learning at school, college and university. This trend continues after they have left tertiary education as it is common for workers to spend their free time looking for ways to improve their education and improve their skills.

Self-confident and proud of their achievements and their country, Vietnamese employees are friendly and helpful and they usually have a positive and optimistic outlook on life. They are respectful and polite to foreigners. Being employed by a foreign company is regarded as a sign of prestige and higher career achievement. Companies also find that Vietnamese workers are more loyal than from other countries. The attrition rate in Vietnam is between 6% and 8% compared with rates as high as 20% in India.

It is no wonder that Vietnam is a popular destination for offshoring and outsourcing. The most efficient and easiest way to begin outsourcing to Vietnam is by working with a professional offshore outsourcing company. These local experts know the culture, labour market, and labour laws.

One of those companies is Remote Resources, they can provide the platform to hire your own staff in Vietnam, hosted, supported and managed in their own offices in Ho Chi Minh city. The specialise in offshore staffing and recruitment. Digital consulting and software development, digital marketing and media.