An offshore team dedicated to your specific business needs can be an asset to any organisation, and remote staffing is an effective way to accelerate projects and boost your business profile while saving money.

By choosing a remote staffing solution your company can put the hard work of recruiting in the hands of others who will develop and manage your offshore operations. Offshoring can be compared to having a branch of your company located overseas, as you have control over the staffing. As in your home country, sourcing the right talent is essential, so it is vital to use an offshore provider who can hire the right people for the job.

Offshoring allows your business to recruit specialised staff, and offshore teams with many years of experience–such as those employed by Remote Resources–are able to develop products across many technological domains. Our offshore staffing in Vietnam gives you access to well-trained, dynamic young professionals. The staff you need are recruited and trained in-house, and work in a fully-equipped, dedicated office-space. Offshoring can also assist with meeting deadlines as you can cut recruitment time, and have staff allocated to working on one particular task.

A one-off task, such as customised software development, is one example of a way to improve your business at home while using staff from overseas. The constant need to ‘keep ahead of the pack’ in this field is driven by globalisation, rapid advances in technology, and a connected society. Offshore staff can assist with research, new development, prototyping, modification, and re-engineering. For customised software development your business team works with the remote staffing provider to analyse needs, discuss the work required, and recruit specialised talent. A good offshore staffing provider will also propose technical solutions, and develop and test before deployment. It’s an iterative process and that involves consulting, communicating progress, and collating feedback. With all projects, it’s important to have staff who are working just for you – and that is why having a dedicated developer/development team is vital.

Website development and web design are other examples of offshore staffing projects that are very popular with businesses in the US, UK, and Australia, as IT professionals and software developers come with a very high labour cost (and high staff turnover) in these countries. Software development in particular, is considered very expensive as it needs to meet specific requirements; however, offshoring can keep costs down while providing timely and effective business solutions.

Increasingly, Vietnam’s dynamic workforce in Ho Chi Minh City is design-focussed, so that means graphic design work and even animation and architecture can be provided as an offshore option. Universities in the city now offer design degrees, and with Vietnamese parents becoming attuned to innovation and progress, more and more school leavers are choosing to use their creativity in study and then in work.

So, with an ever-growing pool of talent, Ho Chi Minh City is fast becoming the centre for offshore creative and digital solutions. Linked with this is the requirement for full-stack web developers. It is essential to hire staff with up-to-date knowledge and skills, so all your needs can be met. An offshore provider such as Remote Resources can access staff who are experts in the latest front-end technology and who also have good UX and UI design sense.