What exactly is offshore staffing?
Firstly it is essential to know the difference between offshoring and outsourcing. Offshoring is the relocation of a business process from one country to another. Outsourcing refers to contracting work out to an external company or organisation.
Offshore staffing companies provide professional staffing solutions for small to medium and large corporate companies. These businesses are usually looking to outsource a small part, or full departments, of their workforce.
Many business functions in an organisation are not "core" to the company. Core functions are their primary focus and handling non-core functions can be a distraction. , That's why in today’s global economy it makes sense to look at more cost effective and efficient ways to perform certain business functions. These functions include, but are not limited to, information technology, human resources, data entry, web development, internet marketing, technical support, accounting, and finance.
What are the benefits?
Offshore staffing services can provide an accessible, efficient and cost effective alternative to maintaining large expensive offices onshore (located in the home country or region).
All staff can be located where there are low-cost labour markets, so companies can reduce their costs significantly and get a much better return on their investment.
Using remote staffing solutions can enable companies to retain full control of the day-to-day running of their business. It’s just like having some of your business departments based in another city except that city is “offshore” in another country. Offshore professional staffing solutions can offer better availability of skilled talents as they provide recruitment services as part of the package.
The client company only needs to list its staff requirements, and the offshore staffing company finds the ideal candidates for the position from the large talent pool at its disposal. The process is very similar to hiring staff in the home country. Once the candidates have been selected the client company can vet the applicants and even interview the prospective candidates if required. Once the new staff member has been chosen they become the employee of the client company, but the offshore staffing company looks after all the “back end” requirements such as contracts, payroll, and human resources.
In fact, the whole operational management side of the business can be controlled offshore with the operations manager assigned to the client business coordinating everything from making sure KPIs are met to ensuring tasks are completed on time and reporting updates on the offshore team’s progress.
Another major benefit of staff outsourcing in this way is flexibility, as it is easy to ramp up and downsize staff as required. So if there is a short term project with an increased labour requirement the company does not have to worry about hiring and firing; this can be managed by the offshore staffing company.
Offshore staffing services in Vietnam are proving to be the most competitive in Asia, if not the world. A recent Ernst & Young report (Doing Business in Vietnam) states: “Vietnam remains one of the fastest-growing Asian economies with high GDP growth in recent years. It has highly skilled, young workers with an extraordinary work ethic, and literacy rate of more than 90%; the Vietnamese are equipped with a high level of education and are prepared to serve in high skilled industries like information technology, pharmaceuticals and financial services, at a more competitive cost than other countries in the region.”
Specialising in digital consulting, software development, marketing and media, Remote Resources, is based in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s commercial capital. Remote Resources has the perfect solution to any businesses offshore staffing needs.