Today a company needs to be nimble and adaptable, and having a base of talent offshore is a great way for your business to adapt, grow and thrive. Many people think of offshore employees as a cheap labour force that works on tasks your onshore team can’t, or won’t do; however, offshore staff are real people with real skills.

Offshore employees are often highly skilled workers: from administration and bookkeeping to software development and virtual reality, offshore employees can be matched to specific employment needs. A team of offshore employees dedicated to your project can use their skills to increase productivity and make other important contributions to your company. Offshore employees help you create global networks of research, development, marketing and sales.

The government policies of many nations have made it difficult to do business overseas, however, offshoring avoids the need to engage immigration services for to satisfy requirements such as working visas and sponsorships. From an Australian legal standpoint, Australian workplace and employment laws do not apply, as employees are considered to be engaged outside Australia if they: are hired offshore, have a contract offshore, and work for the majority of their time offshore.

An offshore provider such as Remote Resources in Vietnam will source, screen and employ talent on your behalf. Your company can then make the final hiring decisions confidently, with the offshore providers acting as the recruitment facilitator and local regulation expert. Once hired, Remote Resources houses your talent in a brand-new, fully-equipped suite of offices in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, and Remote Resources takes care of all your ongoing HR needs.

Access to offshore manpower has never been as easy as it is today. Finding skilled talent onshore can often take a long time and be a costly process. Offshoring destinations such as Vietnam have staff who are ready to work and know the latest trends in digital marketing, software, and gaming. It’s an interesting concept but one that is becoming increasingly mainstream – offshore your Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality project, mobile app development, or your new gaming idea. This is an especially productive solution for SMEs that are seeking an effective growth strategy.

As an example, Virtual reality (VR) is not just about entertainment; it may become part of your business future. VR makes the user feel like they're immersed in a real-life environment, and its already used in diverse areas such as health and medicine, aviation, human resources, marketing, and more. Medical schools are using VR for training doctors, nurses and dentists in anatomy, procedures, and operations. VR equipment gives repeatable scenarios and instant feedback.

Vietnam’s top universities are committed to keeping ahead with technology, and courses in AR and VR can now be taken as part of undergraduate degrees. This means talent are coming into the Vietnamese workforce with their creativity encouraged and their education complete. New graduates are able to design VR and AR experiences for a range of industries such as healthcare, tourism, gaming, health and safety, entertainment, education, and IT.

Access to offshore manpower has never been as easy as it is today.