Many companies looking for professional skilled IT workers to fulfil their vacancies look overseas to the Asian market when recruiting. Increasingly Vietnamese talent is found to be superior to other countries in the region, researchers have found that Vietnam consistently performs better than other developing countries and is equal to many wealthy countries regarding its technical expertise and education systems.

Vietnam has a slightly different dynamic to many Asian countries in that the Vietnamese, on the whole, would rather stay at home. The Vietnamese culture strongly ties people to their family and extended family so that it is quite often a difficult decision to put career before family. Vietnamese are also very proud of their ancient and recent heritage and their struggle from adversity into building a strong and viable future for their homeland is something that keeps so many from going overseas. But when they do make a success away from Vietnam’s shores the urge to return home and build a life is strong, not only for the reasons indicated above but also the better work-life balance and lower cost of living in Vietnam are strong pull factors.

The Vietnamese Deputy PM Phạm Bình Minh recently said that the majority of Vietnamese people abroad were highly qualified and successful in their careers, forming a great source of brainpower for the home country. He affirmed that the 4.5 million Vietnamese overseas workers are an inseparable part of the nation and authorities must adopt measures to help them lead better lives and encourage them to return to the homeland.

Many Vietnamese professionals are coming home and this has emerged as a viable alternative for firms looking to overcome the talent shortage by employing them offshore or remotely. By working remotely they can live and work in their own country and the parent (foreign) company not only gain a talented employee but can save as the cost of employment will be considerably lower. These returning Vietnamese workers have experience and knowledge that in turn can inspire their co-workers especially if they are employed in a middle management or "team leader" role.

The recruitment of top Vietnamese talent can be easily and cost-effectively by hiring managers that attract and retain this unique group of talent. One of the best management companies or remote employment facilitators is Remote Resources in Ho Chi Minh city.

Remote Resources are Vietnam’s premier offshore staffing provider. So that they can recruit the right talent to fit your requirements and budget an analysis of the job description and/or team composition is carried out with the information provided by you during the consultation period.

Basically, you just need to supply specific information about the job skill set, knowledge, qualifications, and experience you are looking for. Part of Remote Resources recruitment strategy is to work closely with your organisation and identify specific details required for your candidates. They can source specialist staff by focussing on top performers in their current roles or target a broader staff base consisting of candidates with composite skills.

Using Vietnam for your offshore recruiting will allow your company to gain access to talent at a fraction of the cost of staffing in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US and Europe. So it makes sense to look here first when looking at your next stage of business development.

Many companies looking for professional skilled IT workers to fulfil their vacancies look overseas to the Asian market when recruiting. Increasingly Vietnamese talent is found to be superior to other countries in the region, researchers have found that Vietnam consistently performs better than other developing countries and is equal to many wealthy countries regarding its technical expertise and education systems.