As well as the obvious savings in labour cost the second, or in fact, the most important factor for any software project is time. Consider outsourcing your development needs to an offshore location and by choosing Vietnam it will save time and up to 40% on your IT-related costs.

There is an increasing number of companies from established businesses to start-ups and large technology companies investing in information technology and communications industry projects and many are using Vietnam’s outsourcing and offshoring potential to gain an advantage of reduced costs and faster time-to-market giving them an edge on their competitors.

Sometimes time differences can be seen as an inconvenience, but by offshoring in Vietnam, you can use this difference to your advantage. Having an offshore team in Vietnam enables you to use a “follow the sun” model where the offshore team carries out their development tasks while the onshore team are at home asleep. When the onshore team arrive at the office the next morning your Vietnam team will have sent an activity report that you can review and then continue while they sleep. The process continues when the onshore team and sends updates and instructions that will be waiting for the offshore team at the beginning of their working day. This enables your company to stay productive all around the clock reducing deadlines and increasing productivity.

There are many offshore development centres working on information technology outsourcing (ITO):

There are many categories covered by these centres, including but not limited to, the following:

  • Offshore software development
  • Web development outsourcing
  • Graphic design outsourcing
  • Offshore 3d modelling
  • Social media marketing outsourcing
  • Offshore game development
  • Game development outsourcing
  • Offshore game design
  • Offshore mobile application development
  • Offshore content moderation
  • Flash design outsourcing
  • Software testing

Using the offshoring model is perfectly suited for either a complete transfer of all IT activity or just as one section of the operation, transferring of non-crucial tasks to the offshore operational office while keeping software engineering activities at the onshore location.

Offshoring is one of the most beneficial and cost-effective ways to outsource non-core parts of your business. These benefits are clearly demonstrated by the cost savings you can achieve. Professional offshore staffing services can look after everything for you while you retain full control of your offshore staff. It is an innovative way to use technology to increase capacity and reduce operational costs, achieve growth and produce successful business outcomes.

In Vietnam, there are highly qualified, committed individuals that are skilled in software development and with professional project-related experience. They can be hired as project managers to head your project or your department, so not only is your project going to be successful, but your organisation will also learn from them during the process.

Whether your primary objective is cutting costs or shortening the delivery time of your software package or development project, having an offshore solution that best fits your needs can make the difference when you are looking to grow and expand your operation.